Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

What are TROs?

A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is the legal document required to support a range of measures, which govern or restrict the use of public roads, including:

  • parking controls, for example; double yellow lines
  • one-way streets
  • banned turns
  • bus lanes
  • speed limits

Why do we need TROs?

UK law requires that TROs are in place to enable us or the Police to enforce these restrictions.

Where there is a requirement for the speed limit to be other than 30mph, there will be a TRO in place. However, a TRO is not required to be in place for all of our 30mph speed limits. 

The 30mph speed limit will apply, by default, to any street lit area where the street lights are not more than 200 yards (183 metres) apart, unless another limit is indicated by the presence of signs. The speed limit will be 30mph by virtue of that street lighting.

In these specific instances, there is no requirement for a TRO to be in place for that speed limit to be legally enforceable by the Police.

Where are our TROs?

We already have measures in place to keep traffic moving and provide parking for residents and visitors. You can use our TraffWeb map to view how these regulating orders are applied to our road network. 

Please note: The 30mph speed limits that are enforceable by virtue of appropriately spaced street lighting, where there is no requirement for an associated TRO, will not be shown on our Traffweb map.

Any parking restrictions that are not shown on TraffWeb are not enforceable by Swindon Borough Council. Restrictions on private land are subject to enforcement by the land owner or their nominated enforcement private parking operator under contract law.

Instances of dangerous parking, for example parking within 10 metres of a junction where there are no restrictions in place or parking on the pavement are a criminal offence against which enforcement action may only be taken by the Police.

All speed limits are enforceable by the Police.

How TROs are made 

The making of a TRO has to follow a statutory process involving three stages:

Stage 1: Feasibility and informal consultation

  • An initial investigation will be carried out to confirm if the requested change is possible. It will also determine what effect the TRO might have on the highway network including whether revoking or amending any existing TRO’s is required
  • Consideration will also be given to whether the proposal will simply move the problem elsewhere
  • Residential and business premises affected by the proposal will be contacted to confirm local support

Subject to the above points, the process will proceed to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Formal consultation

  • Details of the proposal will be advertised in the local press and on the website with a 21 day objection period
  • Members of the public may make a comment in support or otherwise, on the proposal advertised

If formal objections are received they will be considered through the appropriate council procedure. This is before it is decided how the matter will be taken forward. If the proposed TRO is amended to address concerns raised, in most cases, the revised TRO must be re-advertised.

In some instances we may decide not to proceed any further with the proposal.

All comments are considered and if no objections are received or the decision is taken to continue with the proposal as advertised, it may progress to Stage 3.

Stage 3: Making the order

  • All necessary signs and lines must be installed on site
  • A public notice will be advertised confirming that the proposal is approved and that the TRO will take effect

In some instances it may be appropriate to consider the use of an Experimental TRO for 6, 12 or 18 months. See the Experimental TROs webpage for further information.

The time taken to implement a TRO can vary significantly depending on whether objections are received. A minimum of 6 months should be allowed from start to finish. However, if objections are received, the timescale of completion could be as long as one year or longer.

TROs can remain in operation indefinitely. If we need to modify or revoke a TRO, it must follow the same procedure as was used to create it.

Requests for new amendments to existing TROs, or for the revocation of current TRO’s, must have the support of the wider community. This cannot just be an individual or small group of individuals as substantial costs (approx. £5,000), time and resources can be incurred.

Any request must initially be supported by local councillors. A significant majority of residents or businesses likely to be affected by the TRO must also have demonstrated their support. The TRO must be inline with the council’s wider objectives.

If you are aware of a location where you feel parking controls may be a benefit, contact your local Ward Councillors.

Further information

For enquiries about TRO's, email

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