Holiday activities and food programme

The Department for Education (DfE) is providing funding to local authorities to coordinate a programme that provides healthy food and enriching activities to eligible children during the 2023 Spring, Summer and Winter school holidays. This is known as the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme.
Around 7,000 children across Swindon will be eligible for free holiday provision over these periods.
Places will be available at a range of holiday club providers, and offer eligible children the opportunity to attend sessions four hours per day for four days over the Spring, four days per week for four weeks over the Summer and for four days over the Winter school holidays.
Children who take up a place at a free holiday club will have the opportunity to:
- eat more healthily over the school holidays, with a meal provided at each session
- be more active, by being involved in physical activities and a range of engaging and enriching activities to develop resilience, character and wellbeing
- be safe and not socially isolated over holiday periods
- most importantly, have fun with friends
The programme will grow over the summer so a wider offer is available to families to access during this holiday period.
School aged children from any of the following categories are eligible to access the programme:
- Children in receipt of benefits related free school meals
- Children in need (must have a social worker working with the child)
- Child protection
- Young carers
Available HAF providers and the sessions they are offering will be published on the e-vouchers booking system.
Use the link in the message you receive to view a full list of activities available. You’ll be given the option to book a space for your child.
Book early as spaces are limited.
If you have any further questions, use the relevant options below:
- For questions relating to an activity or booking - contact the HAF team by email:
- For questions relating to your voucher/e-vouchers, email
- For questions relating to your child’s eligibility, contact your child’s school in the first instance
- For help articles visit help evouchers
- For further support accessing a place, email