Document downloads - Transport strategy
Available downloads
Mead roundabout junction to Westmead
Westmead roundabout to Withymead junction
Mannington Roundabout - Retail Park slip lane plan
Mannington retail park - Phase 4 consultation drawing
Swindon local transport plan 2011 to 2026
Wichelstowe to Swindon quality bus corridor overview plan
Temporary bus station general arrangement drawing
Bus Boulevard landscaping overview
Bus Boulevard landscaping - West
Bus Boulevard landscaping - East
Moonrakers junction improvement plan
Headlands Grove traffic island plan
M4 junction 15 plan of works
Swindon town centre movement strategy
Swindon town centre movement strategy - adoption statement
Swindon town centre movement strategy - statement of consultation
Fleming Way improvements - Traffic diversion routes, temporary bus stop locations and pedestrian routes
Swindon local cycling and walking infrastructure plan
Swindon local cycling and walking infrastructure plan supporting map
Fleming Way improvements - temporary bus stops
Swindon Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) 2022-2036
Coate roundabout drawings
Coate roundabout improvement works - road closure locations and diversion route
Swindon permit scheme year 1 evaluation
Fleming Way subway closure information in Easy Read
Swindon permit scheme year 2 evaluation
Adaptive lighting units streets list
Swindon permit scheme year 3 evaluation