Document downloads - Roads, parking and transport
Available downloads
Highway Asset Management
Highway Asset Management Policy
Highway Asset Management Strategy
Application for Ordinary Watercourse Consent
Communication Strategy - Final
Communication Strategy Appendix 1 - HIAM Stakeholder list
Performance Management Framework - Final
Information Strategy - Final
Resilient Network-With Diversion Routes
2021 NHT Survey Summary
2021 NHT Survey
HIAM Carbon Management Plan 2022
SBC HIAM Policy 2022
SBC HIAM Strategic Network Hierarchy 2022
SBC Skid Resistance Management Plan 2022
Additional maintenance funding 2023/24 and 2024/25 - Network North
Additional maintenance funding 2023/24 and 2024/25 - Network North (Quarterly Progress Report, January 2025)
Concessionary travel companion allowance application letter
Concessionary travel disability evidence form
Application for street naming and numbering
Bus Lane Traffic Regulation Order 2019
Decriminalised parking enforcement
NEV Gablecross roundabout plan
NEV Southern Connector Road Plan
NEV White Hart Junction Plan
List of adopted roads and streets
Residents parking permit information and application form
Body worn video device - privacy impact assessment
Body worn video device operational guidelines
Application for a licence to cultivate part of the public highway
Swindon cycle parks terms and conditions
NEV White Hart junction 3D
NEV Southern Connector Road compulsory purchase order 2019
NEV Southern Connector Road compulsory purchase order confirmation notice
Footpath 6 Stratton St Margaret and 13 South Marston extinguishment order
Application to remove public rights of way
Rights of way responsibilities
Map modification application pack
Divert public rights of way application form
CA16 joint deposit application form
Tree management policy
Swindon Borough Council Bus Service Improvement Plan
Bus service operator grant survey
Traffic regulation order - Sheep Street statement of reasons
Footpath 10 and 35 Wroughton
Footpath 9 Wroughton
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon - notice of intention to make order
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon - notice of made order
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon - map of closures and alternative routes
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon - temporary closure order
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon - reason for order
Various footpaths and cycleways North Swindon - Notice of extension
Footpath 14 Wroughton
Footpath 14 Wroughton - Reasons for making the order
Footpath 14 Wroughton - Notice of making order
Footpath 14 Wroughton - Notice of emergency closure
Footpath 14 Wroughton - Plan showing closure and alternative route
Footpath 14 Wroughton - Notice of emergency closure extension
FP 14 Wroughton - temporary closure order
Footpath 14 Wroughton - Notice of extension to order
Footpaths 8 and 22 Wanborough
Swindon Enhanced Partnership Board terms of reference
Swindon enhanced partnership plan and scheme for buses
Footpath 5 Castle Eaton
Bridleway 18 Castle Eaton
Footpath 37 Highworth
Footpath ST9 Stratton Wood
Footpaths 7 and 8 Stanton Fitzwarren
Footpath 10 Wroughton
Footpaths 20 and 21 Wroughton
FP 20 and 21 Wroughton - Temporary restriction notice
FP 20 and 21 Wroughton - Notice of intention to make order
FP 20 and 21 Wroughton - Notice of made order
FP 20 and 21 Wroughton - Temporary closure order
FP 20 and 21 Wroughton - Map of closure and alternative route
FP 20 and 21 Wroughton - Reason for order
Footpaths 16 and 17 Haydon Wick
Swindon joint network map
Sub–categories of Roads, parking and transport
- Parking tickets and bus lane fines
- Car parks
- Road safety, maintenance and repairs
- Highway regulation orders and public notices
- Highways
- Traffic management
- Transport strategy
- Parking permits