Document downloads - Planning and regeneration
Available downloads
Planning and regeneration
Planning records from 1970 to 1998
Planning records for 1970 - application numbers 1-451
Planning records for 1971 - application numbers 1-563
Planning records for 1972 - application numbers 1-791
Planning records for 1973 - application numbers 1-724
Planning records for 1974 - application numbers 1-1306
Planning records for 1975 - application numbers 1-1234
Planning records for 1976 - application numbers 1-1164
Planning records for 1977 - application numbers 1-1187
Planning records for 1978 - application numbers 1-1536
Planning records for 1979 - application numbers 1-1797
Planning records for 1980 - application numbers 1-1556
Planning records for 1981 - application numbers 1-1323
Planning records for 1982 - application numbers 1-1475
Planning records for 1983 - application numbers 1-1721
Planning records for 1984 - application numbers 1-1690
Planning records for 1985 - application numbers 1-1685
Planning records for 1986 - application numbers 1-1828
Planning records for 1987 - application numbers 1-2139
Planning records for 1988 - application numbers 1-2332
Planning records for 1989 - application numbers 1-1025
Planning records for 1989 - application numbers 1026-1922
Planning records for 1990 - application numbers 1-1000
Planning records for 1990 - application numbers 1001-1936
Planning records for 1991 - application numbers 1-845
Planning records for 1991 - application numbers 846-1704
Planning records for 1992 -application numbers 1-781
Planning records for 1992 - application numbers 782-1523
Planning records for 1993 - application numbers 1-763
Planning records for 1993 - application numbers 764-958
Planning records for 1993 - application numbers 959-1225
Planning records for 1993 - application numbers 1226-1388
Planning records for 1993 - application numbers 1389-1475
Planning records for 1994 - application numbers 1-750
Planning records for 1994 - application numbers 751-1500
Planning records for 1995 - application numbers 1-739
Planning records for 1995 - application numbers 740-1446
Planning records for 1996 - application numbers 1-693
Planning records for 1996 - application numbers 694-1448
Planning records for 1997 - application numbers 1-822
Planning records for 1997 - application numbers 823-1598
Planning records for 1998 - application numbers 1-788
Planning records advertised from January 1978 to January 1986
Planning records advertised from January 1986 to September 1992
Fees for local land charges search requests
Planning Protocol 2019
Pre-Planning Application Guidance Notes
Breaches of Planning Control FAQs
Surface water drainage strategy guidance
Record of sustainable drainage systems
Appendix K - SBCLP 2026 Policy Kingsdown NC5
Broad Blunsdon conservation area appraisal
Regulation 14 representations, responses and modifications
Groundwell Industrial Estate LDO
Stratton St Margaret NP - examiner questions and responses
Pre-application advice guidance note - householder
Swindon Heritage Action Zone area map
Questions for clarification Blunsdon Neighbourhood Development Plan
HAZ - Swindon Railway Village walking tour map
HAZ - Fourth Street Viability Study
Swindon railway conservation area appraisal and management plan
Swindon railway conservation area boundary map
Town centre regeneration interactive map
Investment Prospectus - Swindon Cultural Quarter
GWR Park conservation management plan
Register of enforcement notices issued
Swindon HAZ Insight Report
Faringdon Road vision for shopfront and façade enhancements (condition survey report) April 2023
North Meadow SAC Mitigation Costs October 2024 - FINAL
Pre-application and planning performance agreements charging schedule
Health Hydro regeneration project
Sub–categories of Planning and regeneration
- Land and premises
- Building Control
- Community infrastructure levy (CIL)
- Local plan and planning policy
- New Eastern Villages
- Town centre regeneration
- The Swindon Heritage Action Zone