Care and support services - Gainsborough Court

Service name
Gainsborough Court
Service summary

Our high-quality housing for older people allows residents to live comfortably, securely, and independently whilst in the knowledge that help is there if they need it. At Gainsborough Court, we offer purpose-built rental properties for people over the age of 60 or over 55 if you are in receipt of PIP (Personal Independence Payment) or DLA (Disability Living Allowance).

Service description

Each flat consists of a kitchen, lounge, bathroom and bedroom/s with a 24-hour alarm service if ever you have an emergency. Gainsborough Court offers a wide range of facilities, including a communal lounge, communal garden, an on-site laundry, communal parking bays, an assisted shower room and a guest room for visitors. The flats are located close to West Swindon district centre, Freshbrook village centre, the Link Leisure Centre, West Swindon Library and West Swindon Health Centre. There are bus stops outside the scheme for buses into and out of Swindon town centre and the scheme is within walking distance of Lydiard Park.

Service provider
Main address

Gainsborough Way

Location map
Telephone number
0800 131 3348