Care and support services - Kingsmead Care Home

Service name
Kingsmead Care Home
Service summary

Kingsmead is one of the oldest care homes in Swindon and provides residential and nursing care for residents. It has a strong reputation and is well known in the area. The home is compact but homely and residents are able to move and live freely and safely within it.

Service description

Kingsmead is located in the Old Town area of Swindon. The home has a selection of lounges and communal areas, where activities are often held, and a quiet sitting room. The meal experience is excellent at Kingsmead, with our chef and catering team working hard to create meals that are both nutritious and tasty, using fresh seasonal ingredients.

The home offers a very stable environment for residents with many of the staff long-standing, so they have been able to build up great relationships with the residents and families over time. The care home manager is a registered nurse and has heavy involvement with residents and the day to day running of the home.

Service provider
Healthcare Homes (Spring) Limited
Care Quality Commission information
Main address

65 Prospect Place
Old Town

Location map
Telephone number
01793 422333