Privacy Notices - Swindon local walking and cycling infrastructure plan consultation Privacy Notice


You need to be aware of this Privacy Notice if you are responding to the consultation survey on the Swindon Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).  

What is a Privacy Notice?

A Privacy Notice is a statement issued by an organisation which explains how personal and confidential data about individuals is collected, used and shared.

Who is collecting and using your personal data?

Swindon Borough Council is the data controller. We will ensure that the data given to us is processed in line with our Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 18) and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession.

The processing of data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”).

What personal data do we collect?

The survey respondents will remain anonymous as we do not ask for any details that will identify an individual. 

To help us better understand the responses we receive to the consultation survey on the Swindon LCWIP, we are collecting statistical data relating to the regular transport choices, mobility restrictions, age and employment status of those who reply to the questionnaire.

These questions do not require an answer if you do not wish to give one.

How do we process your personal data?

We comply with our obligations under the GDPR by keeping personal data up to date by:

  • storing and destroying it securely
  • not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data
  • protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure
  • ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data
Why do we need your personal information?

We are collecting personal data as part of a consultation on the Swindon LCWIP to undertake statistical analysis of the feedback on the objectives and proposed scheme/s featured in the Swindon LCWIP.

How the law allows us to use your information?

In accordance with article 6 of the GDPR, data processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller.

Who do we share your information with?

We will not share your personal data except to prevent fraud or if required to do so by law. We take the security of your personal data seriously.

We have internal policies and controls in place to ensure that your personal data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is not accessed except by our employees in the proper performance of their duties.

How long do we keep your personal information?

On completion of the consultation we will retain the information for a period of no more than 12 months. All details will then be securely disposed of.

What you can do with your information?

You have a number of rights.

You can:

  • access and obtain a copy of your data on request (Subject Access Request)
  • require the Council to change incorrect or incomplete data
  • require the Council to delete or stop processing your data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing
  • object to the processing of your data where the Council is relying on its legitimate interests as the legal ground for processing

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer, Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon SN1 2JH or email

If you believe that the Council has not complied with your data protection rights, you can complain to the Information Commissioner at

Your right to complain

In the event that you wish to complain about the way that your personal data has been handled by Swindon Borough Council, you should write to the Data Protection Officer and clearly outline your case. Your complaint will then be investigated in accordance with our customer complaint procedure.
If you remain dissatisfied with the way your personal data has been handled, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at You may refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office whose contact details are below:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane


This website also contains information on data protection and your rights and remedies.

How will we ensure compliance?

A yearly audit will take place on personal data to ensure that we remain legally compliant in accordance with current data protection legislation.

Main privacy notice

You are viewing the Privacy Notice for the survey to support the consultation on the Swindon LCWIP. 

Read the main Privacy Notice