Homes and property

Get advice if you are homeless

Help for those at risk and rough sleepers

Council garages and parking bays

Find garages and parking bays to rent

Choice-based lettings

How to bid for available council properties

Help and advice for private tenants

Support to prevent poor housing and how to make a complaint

Help and advice for housing association tenants

Support to prevent poor housing and how to make a complaint

Help and advice for owner occupiers

Support to prevent poor housing and how to make a complaint

Report concerns about someone else's home

Let us know about inappropriate living conditions or damaged property

Sheltered housing

Find out about sheltered housing available and how to apply for accommodation

Contact housing services

Contact for specific housing services including out of hours details

Information and services for council tenants

Services available and behaviour expectations of all tenants

Home energy efficiency

Ways to save money in your home


Types of overcrowding and how to report a problem

Apply for private sector housing grants

Policy detailing types of grant available

Find a housing association

Directory of available housing associations in Swindon

Apply for a HMO licence

Application process licensing houses in multiple occupation

Request an immigration home inspection

Apply for an inspection online

Community-led housing

Support for communities to deliver housing developments

Drains, sewers and flooding

Report blocked drains and sewers or an incident of flooding

Water hygiene in your home

How to reduce the risk of legionella bacteria in your home