Apply or re-apply for a Blue Badge

The Blue Badge (disabled parking permit) scheme operates across the UK and provides additional parking rights for people with mobility problems or difficulty using public transport. It allows you to park closer to your destination, making travel easier.

Changes to the Blue Badge scheme

In August 2019, the Department for Transport made significant changes to the Blue Badge scheme. You can now apply for a badge if you have a hidden disability, such as autism.

Eligibility for a Blue Badge

Eligibility depends on the benefits you receive or your condition. Some applications may require further assessment. Full eligibility criteria are available on the GOV.UK website.

How to apply

You can apply for or renew a Blue Badge online. If you cannot apply online, a family member can help, or you can make an assisted application at our customer services drop-in centre.

If you would prefer a paper application to be sent to you by post, email or call Customer Services on 01793 445500 to request one.

The cost of a Blue Badge is £10. There are other websites offering help to apply for your Blue Badge, but these may charge extra for their services.

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

What you’ll need to apply

To complete your application, you must upload the following:

  • A digital passport-style photo
  • Evidence of your eligibility, such as a PIP decision letter or a letter from your hospital consultant

Processing time

Applications are reviewed within five working days of submission. The £10 fee is required upon submission and will be refunded if your application is rejected. If approved, you should receive your badge within 12 working days. Complex applications may take up to six weeks.

If more information is needed, the Blue Badge team will contact you.

Important information

Renewing your Blue Badge

You need to apply for a new Blue Badge about eight weeks before your current one expires. This is to make sure that you get your new Blue Badge in time.

If you have moved out of the borough of Swindon, you cannot apply for or renew your Blue Badge with us. Instead, you need to apply for a Blue Badge with the council where you live.

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