Report a faulty street light or illuminated sign

Response times

The council aims to inspect any faulty street lights within five working days from the day it is reported. Where the faulty light is still under the maintenance of the contractor, this will be referred to their engineers to carry out the repair.

Please note that we are currently experiencing some delays with problems that are linked to electrical supply issues and need to be attended to by the electricity company.

Thank you for your patience.

Current street lighting electricity supply faults

If we are unable to restore a unit to working order, it may be due to a loss of the underground electrical supply, which in Swindon is owned by SSE. These supply failures are logged by us with SSE who then gives us a unique repair number.

Reporting a problem

If you wish to report a street light, bollard or illuminated sign that requires maintenance or repair, help us give the highest priority to the most urgent issues by indicating:

  • the road or footpath where the light is located
  • the column, bollard or sign number; only if it is safe for you to retrieve this. If the number is missing or unreadable then provide the exact location of the faulty or defective unit, for example; to the front of house No. 25

Report a problem with street lighting online

If you consider the problem to be a danger to public safety or a potentially serious hazard for road users, please call StreetSmart on 01793 445501 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm and Tuesday 9.00am - 4.00pm) or on 01793 466453 at all other times.

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