Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing provides a home for older people who want to live independently and have various housing needs.

Who can apply

You can apply for sheltered housing if you are over the age of 60. However, a person who receives disability living allowance can apply if they are over the age of 50.

Support you can get in sheltered housing

The support you get in your sheltered accommodation depends on the housing scheme. However, most of the schemes provide:

  • individual self-contained flats, bungalows or studio flats
  • carpeted and lit internal corridors
  • fully furnished communal lounges
  • economic central heating systems
  • communal laundries
  • high level of fire protection and security
  • 24-hour emergency alarm cover
  • guest rooms for visitors
  • regular coffee mornings and social activities
  • the services of a Sheltered Housing Officer or visiting scheme manager

You can download the sheltered housing booklet to find information on extra care sheltered housing.

Alternatively, you can view the directory for sheltered housing available in Swindon.

When you apply for sheltered housing, we will put you on a waiting list and we will share our waiting list with other registered housing associations. This means you can access over 50 schemes throughout Swindon.

Apply for sheltered housing

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