Request an adaptation to your council home
If you are facing difficulties in accessing facilities and managing day-to-day activities in your council home, we can assist you in making alterations.
We are committed to providing minor adaptations without delay to make everyday living easier for tenants.
Major adaptations that are necessary and appropriate to meet the needs of disabled occupants, will be provided when it is reasonable and practicable to carry out the works.
- Adapted homes will be directly matched to those with the most housing need to make best use of the council’s stock
- All tenants (or household) with additional needs are assessed by a member of the Occupational Therapy Team for major adaptions
- Adapted homes are categorised to best match the requirements for current and future tenants
- Re-housing tenants will be the first option for consideration where multiple major adaptations are required (including extensions), and or when the home is under-occupied and or when the home is not suitable for adaptation
- Where a re-housing option is considered, this will take into account family networks, schools and support
- We offer practical and financial expenses to re-house tenants where a decision has been made to move the household. This package is only for under occupation cases.
- Major adaptations (excluding stair lifts) will not be removed when the property becomes empty
- Where a minor adaptation is requested, this can be made on the My Tenancy repair portal
Minor adaptations
Visual impairment needs
- Staircase, for example, clearer marking
- Additional lighting
Hearing impairment needs
- Flashing doorbells
- Smoke alarm alerts
- Front/rear door entrance support rails
- Grab-rails (may require assessment by Occupational Therapist before adaptation can be implemented)
- Newel rails
- Handrails
- Stair handrails
- Alter doorsteps (half-steps)
- Alterations to internal thresholds (may require assessment by Occupational Therapist before adaptation can be implemented)
Kitchens and bathrooms
- Lever taps
- Bathroom grab-rails
- Toilet lever flush handles
General needs
- Door and wall protectors for wheelchairs
- Altering heights of electric sockets and switches
- Request additional sockets and switches
Minor adaptations are to be carried out as the categories shown above and tenants are encouraged to make a self-referral for minor adaptations.
Minor adaptation work is carried out via an appointment. Delivery of minor adaptations will have a target completion of 10 working days. This will depend on the availability of the product.
To request a minor adaptation, log the request on My Tenancy Portal or call us on 01793 445500.
Major adaptations
The provision of all major adaptations will be supported by a referral from an Occupational Therapist outlining the requirements.
Technical services will be asked to carry out major adaptations on behalf of the landlord and are authorised to undertake the following works when reasonably practicable to do so, and when supported by an Occupational Therapist:
- Access ramps
- Dropped kerbs and/or hard standings (subject to Highways approval)
- Widening doorways
- Level access showers
- Over bath showers
- Stair-lifts
- Altering the height of kitchen surfaces and cupboards
- Through floor lifts
- Improved access and widened pathway to main entrance
- Safety glazing
- Automatic door closures
- Wash dry toilets
Minor and major adaptations will be serviced, repaired and maintained as necessary and replaced when they have reached the end of their useful life. This is in accordance with their lifecycles through future planned programmes of work.
Complex major adaptations
Complex major adaptations are works that cannot be undertaken through existing services such as minor adaptations (repairs) or the welfare adaptation contract (major repairs).
Additional governance and oversight is required, due to the level of investment and time required, to ensure that the works meet the current and future needs of the resident. This is to ensure that there is available resource and budget to proceed.
Complex major adaptation works can be identified as:
- major adaptations that are deemed not reasonably practicable
- work that is estimated to cost more than £20k
- work requiring a bespoke project or standalone procurement activity
- work requiring a change in layout that alters the property (including extensions)
The decision for undertaking these complex major adaptations is made at the Capital and Planned Repairs Programme Board following recommendation from the Housing Needs and Adaptation Panel and the Housing Commissioning Group.
If the needs of the household can only be met by adapting the existing home, then a project team with a dedicated Tenant Liaison Officer for the major adaptation, will be established.
This ensures the tenant is kept fully informed of timescales, the work to be undertaken is explained and there is a link officer for contact.
Temporary accommodation will be arranged in consultation with the Occupational Therapist and tenants, where the household is unable to tolerate the works due to their disability.
Mutual exchange will not be considered where the tenant is moving from an adapted property unless they are willing to fund major adaptations at their new address or a move is supported on other management grounds.
Funding for aids and adaptations
We manage and provide funds for all minor and major adaptations to council homes through our Housing Revenue Account (HRA).
Further support
A Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) has been undertaken to ensure that access to these services is available to all tenants.
For advice on what may be available, contact us in one of the following ways:
- Email:
- Telephone: 01793 445500
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Customer Services
Swindon Borough Council
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Swindon. SN1 2JH